Friday, January 27, 2012

make your chat more interesting in facebook with these emoticansti

Facebook chat is now getting popular over the other conventional chat applications.

The various widespread features and With the added security features, Facebook has revolutionized Chatting. Facebook has some limitations regarding the use of special characters and emoticons. Now with the latest addition of features, Facebook has upgraded this option to a great extent and now the users can use some available special emoticons. This will surely add much more LIKEs to the Facebook chat engine. community

talk facilities provide it a real and ultimate boost as compared to all other chat agents like yahoo,gsm92,rediffmail etc.

Find the complete list of all emoticons used in facebook below and may also wanna check out the list of most popular acronyms used in chatting.

Shortcut KeyDescription
:42:42 Red Number FaceBook Chat Emoticon
O:) O:-)Angel FaceBook Chat Emoticon
o.O O.oConfused FaceBook Chat Emoticon
:'(Cry / Tears Eye FaceBook Chat Emoticon
:3Curly Lips Facebook Emoticon / cute / cat-like
3:) 3:-)Devil / Satan / Vampire FaceBook Chat Emoticon
: -(  :(  :[  =(Frown / Sad FaceBook Chat Emoticon
:-O  :O  :-o  :oGasp / Surprise FaceBook Chat Emoticon
8 -)  8)  B-)  B)Glasses / Blue Glasses FaceBook Chat Emoticon
: -D  :D  =DGrin Facebook Chat Emoticon (Big Smile)
>:(  >:-(Grumpy FaceBook Chat Emoticon
<3Heart / Love FaceBook Chat Emoticon
^_^Kiki FaceBook Chat Emoticon
:-* :*Kiss Facebook Chat Emoticon
:vPacman Facebook Chat Emoticon
<(")Penguin Facebook Chat Emoticon
:putnam:Putnam (Chris Putnam) Facebook Chat Emoticon
:|]Robot Facebook Chat Emoticon
(^^^)Shark FaceBook Chat Emoticon
:-) :) :] =)Smile Facebook Chat Emoticon
-_-Squint FaceBook Chat Emoticon
8-|  8|  B-|  B|Sun / Black Glasses FaceBook Chat Emoticon
:-P :P :pTongue FaceBook Chat Emoticon
:/ :-/Unsure Facebook Chat Emoticon
>:O >:-O >:o >:-oUpset FaceBook Chat Emoticon
;-) ;)Wink FaceBook Chat Emoticon
(y)Thumbs up (like) FaceBook Chat Emoticon

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